The current feature is supported from 1.2.2
当需要进行枚举转换时(例如枚举转换为编码值,或者又编码转换为枚举),可以在目标枚举添加 @AutoEnumMapper
注解, 增加该注解后,在任意类型中需要转换该枚举时都可以自动转换。
When an enum conversion is required(such as an enum converted to an encoded value, or from an encoding to an enum), you can add the @AutoEnumMapper
annotation to the target enum, with this annotation added, the enum can be converted automatically whenever it is needed in any type.
Note to use this annotation: The current enum must have a field that is guaranteed to be unique, and then using the current annotation, add the field name to the value
attribute provided by the annotation.
There are also enum and classes that use enum, whick must be in the same module.
public enum GoodsStateEnum {
ENABLED(1, "Enabled"),
DISABLED(0, "Disabled");
private final Integer state;
private final String desc;
Add the annotation @AutoEnumMapper
in the current enum and specify that the only field is state
@AutoMapper(target = GoodsVo.class, reverseConvertGenerate = false)
public class Goods {
private GoodsStateEnum state;
public class GoodsVo {
private Integer state;
- Test
public void enumMapTest() {
final GoodsVo goodsVo = converter.convert(goods, GoodsVo.class);
Assert.equals(goodsVo.getState(), goods.getState().getState());
final Goods goods2 = converter.convert(goodsVo, Goods.class);
Assert.equals(goods2.getState(), GoodsStateEnum.ENABLED);
Cross-Module Support
When enums and the types they are used with are not in the same module, they cannot be automatically converted and require specified dependency relationships.
In the AutoMapper
annotation, you can specify the enum class list needed for the current conversion relationship through the useEnums
attribute. These enums need to be annotated with AutoEnumMapper
This feature is supported starting from version 1.4.2.
It is important to note that when two classes are in the same module, specification is not required, and they can be automatically converted. This feature mainly addresses the issue of inability to automatically convert between different modules.